How It Affects Us

Internationally noted expert, Dr. Kenneth J. Friedman, discusses the physiological aspects of ME/CFS and why it makes those afflicted feel the way they do.

Internationally noted ME/CFS expert, Dr. Kenneth J. Friedman, discusses basic treatments for ME/CFS.

Internationally noted ME/CFS expert, Dr. Kenneth J. Friedman, the importance of understanding and support by family members and friends for those afflicted with ME/CFS. He speaks from experience as well as his expertise in the disease as his daughter has suffered from ME/CFS for over 26 years.

Internationally noted ME/CFS expert, Dr. Kenneth J. Friedman, discusses the support given the disease ME/CFS by the United States federal government.



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ME/CFS Map: Find Your ME/CFS Neighbors

Watch Personal ME/CFS Stories

10 Tips on the Path to Wellness

Dr. Klimas: Exercise & ME/CFS